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Privacy & Cookie Policy

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which entered into force on 25 May 2018 in Europe, the company PEKA MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING SRL – owner of the brand IWILO, and also of the website – hereby wishes to inform you that the creation of an account on our website or your subscription to its newsletter allows us to collect some of your personal data, which we undertake to manage with the utmost care and in total confidentiality.


The following personal data are processed:

  • contact details such as:  

    • first and family name,

    • birth date (to determine authorisation for access to our website),

    • postal address (to ensure correct invoice),

    • e-mail address,

    • landline or mobile telephone number,

  • data concerning orders placed via the e-shop such as:

    • delivery address of the order,

    • references for any promotion codes used in the e-shop,

    • data concerning any returns,

  • and data enabling us to ensure an enjoyable browsing experience

    • IP address,

    • your web browser,

    • the type of computer of mobile device used to visit our website,


The bank details linked to the payment of orders are collected and processed exclusively by our service provider Mollie B.V. Such data are processed in compliance with the Privacy Statement of Mollie B.V. available on its website.


The company PEKA MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING SRL does not have access to your bank account number or payment card details (however, these data may be handled in the event of a reimbursement).


By giving your consent to use your personal data, such data shall be processed for the following purposes:

  • to ensure the management of your client account;

  • to ensure the correct monitoring of any orders you place in our e-shop;

  • to ensure the correct monitoring of any returns or reimbursements;

  • to inform you about the upcoming product deliveries;

  • to send you the latest updates concerning our news, products, services, special offers and promotional activities;

  • to send you personalised offers by e-mail;

  • to send you ideas for menus and recipes which you can try yourself using our products;

  • to improve the navigation experience on our website;

  • statistical analyses of use of the website.


Your personal data will be used only in the above-mentioned framework.


The company PEKA MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING SRL undertakes to ensure that your data will be transmitted to third parties exclusively with a view to supplying you with the services indicated above. The third parties shall be only technical service providers or media agencies which have signed a confidentiality clause with our company, pursuant to the GDPR, in order to protect your data.


Your personal data will never be resold, communicated to third parties or exchanged for commercial purposes other than those outlined above.


Your personal data will be deleted from our files if you have not made a subscription or a purchase in our e-shop for 5 years. Only the data of customers who have at least once received an invoice following a purchase made via our e-shop will be kept by our administrative services, in order to meet fiscal law requirements.

Our database is updated once every 3 months.

When a customer account is deleted, any loyalty points linked to this account will also be deleted.

You may at any time request the amendment or deletion of your personal data by sending an e-mail to


The company PEKA MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING SRL undertakes to reply to any requests for amendment or deletion of your data within 1 month at the latest, from the date of your request.


Thank you for your trust.




What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are sent from the website you visit to your device (usually your browser), where they are stored so that they can recognise that device on your next visit. On each subsequent visit, cookies are sent back from the user's device to the site.

Each cookie generally contains: the name of the server from which the cookie was sent; the expiry date and a value, usually a unique number generated at random by your computer The website server that transfers the cookie uses this number to recognise you when you return to a site or navigate from one page to another.

Cookies can be installed not only by the same operator of the site you visit (first-party cookies), but also by a different site that installs cookies through the first site (third-party cookies) and is able to recognise them. This happens because on the site visited there may be elements (images, maps, sounds, links to web pages of other domains, etc.) that reside on servers other than that of the site visited.

Depending on their purpose, cookies are divided into technical cookies and profiling cookies. Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of "carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communication network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide such service" (see Art. 122, para. 1 of the Privacy Code, as amended by Legislative Decree 69/2012). In particular, these cookies are usually used to allow efficient navigation between pages, store user preferences (language, country, etc.), perform computer authentication, manage shopping carts or allow online purchases, etc. Some of these cookies (called essential or strictly necessary) enable functions without which certain operations could not be carried out. Pursuant to the aforementioned Art. 122, para. 1 of the Privacy Code, the use of technical cookies does not require the users' consent.

Technical cookies are assimilated to the so-called analytics cookies if they are used directly by the website operator to collect aggregate information on the number of users and how they visit the site. These cookies allow website owners and/or managers to understand how users interact with the content of the site in order to optimise it.

Profiling cookies are used to track the user's navigation, analyse his/her behaviour for marketing purposes and create profiles on his/her tastes, habits, choices, etc. in order to send targeted advertising messages in relation to the user's interests and in line with the preferences he/she has expressed when browsing online. These cookies may only be installed on the user's terminal if the user has given his or her consent in the simplified manner indicated in the Provision.

Based on their duration, cookies are divided into persistent cookies, which remain stored, until their expiry date, on the user's device, unless removed by the user, and session cookies, which are not stored persistently on the user's device and disappear when the browser is closed.

Which cookies are used by this site?

A. Technical cookies

This website makes use of technical cookies, which are installed by the website itself in order to monitor the functioning of the site and allow efficient navigation on the site.

B. Third party cookies

When interacting with this site when purchasing and paying electronically (PayPal) this component may only use cookies to complete the payment process correctly.

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